Below is the robot fish in phase 'B', a kind of catch up stage between the degree and the the masters. The
main part of this stage has been to get the robot in water and fit it with an extra microcontroller.
The next stage was phase 'C', the masters degree. This involved looking into moving around an aquatic enviroment
and geting some feedback from it. Artificialy inteligent is pushing it a bit, but as a project it does need to be able to
hold itself at a constant depth.
I'm all fished up at the moment, so its on top of the wardrobe awaiting a good testing session.

Is a robot fish for you? I'm not even sure its for me! As a degree topic its a bit of a rush in 24 weeks (along
with the other modules). It has been a fascinating subject to research and then copy in metal. The main mission statement
is to think about being water tight from the first pen stroke. Any deviation and you are quite literally sunk!
Whats the design Process ?
Step 1: Have a good look at real fish.
Step 2: Search the web for other robot fish.
Step 3: Read how fish move.
Step 4: Plan out the required parts.
Step 5: Design on computer the
bits that need making.
Step 6: Print off the drawings and start turning out parts.